Firm Profile
Jackson-West is a bipartisan government relations, public affairs and grasstops consulting firm specializing in the business and politics of government in Virginia.
We are your eyes and ears on the ground, whether in your local Town Hall or committee rooms of the state Legislature. With decades of experience, Jackson-West knows how to create, manage and implement comprehensive plans and strategies that will promote and protect your interests.
Jackson-West Consulting achieves results by creating issue awareness, drawing others to join your campaign, initiative or organization and advancing specific legislation through direct lobbying. Our effectiveness is bolstered by our decades building relationships of trust with Virginia decision makers.
Our team has a track record of success in the government affairs arena thanks in part to our combined backgrounds in politics, journalism, public affairs, issue advocacy and crisis management and state and local governments.
At Jackson-West, we understand how to properly frame a cause, message or mission. We know how to work with the mainstream press, grassroots or grass-tops supporters, stakeholders and appointed or elected officials. Our team has a measurable history of impacting outcomes and delivering victories and best results.
Based in Alexandria and Richmond, VA, Jackson-West has the experience, outlook, networks, reach and ability to transform facts on the ground and positively alter the public sphere in your favor.
We have a passion for solving the unique business and government challenges.
Our clients get results.
“... They work collaboratively with their clients and vested parties in a timely and effective manner ...”
“I turned to Charlie Jackson who crafted and implemented a strategy that took our concept and made it reality.”